832 words
4 minutes
The future of 3kh0

This is a archive of the shutdown message from 3kh0 from the original paste at rentry.co/3kh0.

The future of 3kh0#

Hello everyone#

To make a long story short, the site is going to be shut down. This is going to be quite the doozy, so if you do not have an attention span, go away. I will be pretty much ranting about the site and explaining the future of it, so if you are interested, keep on going.

Recently during the past months I got a reality check in terms of me, my site, and my future. I am now in 8th grade going to high school in a few months, but where does my site fit into this? Maintaining such a site is not easy work, you get stupid skids asking “how make proccy???”, big brained exploit finders bullying you for publicizing exploits and providing credit to them, IT admins telling you to shut it down or else they will sue you (bro you have nothing to sue me for), AWS billing you $359.23 for simple CDN services, the IRS who loves to take your money, content blockers actually working and blocking my links, and a asian mom hounding you everyday about simple numbers in a grade book. All of this has been taking a huge toll on my mental health and my performance in school. This site has brought me invaluable experience with computers that you can not get anywhere else, but it kills me mentally everyday. It is not sustainable and I can not keep up with the constant pressure. Even when I try to disconnect from the internet, I still have it on my mind. I am stuck in the little leagues with this site and not trying to expand my knowledge to do bigger and better projects.

Now after some intense thinking, the best choice for me is to sunset/stop the site at the start of this year’s summer break. GreenWorld over at Nebula is going to be starting a continuation of this site as a project so be sure to check them out. If anyone would like to start your own continuation of the project, go ahead, you can make alot money from ads and such but you have to pay for the CDN, so have fun. If you manage to do this, I will advertise it as 3kh0 reborn or something. This is a hard choice for me to make but it is what I have to do.

All of the website’s components will have their license changed to WTFPL license (Do What The Fck You Want To Public License) making the code be able to be used in any project in any manner without any kind of copyright problems (people have been skidding the tab cloak system for eons at this point so whatever). I have downloaded a final copy of the site and attached it with this announcement as a zip file and uploaded it to archive.org, so if you want to have fun with that, knock yourself out. The main repo will be updated to stop all games serving a notice of shutdown to the user and all official CDN’s hosted on AWS will be shut down. After 1 month of this announcement, all official 3kh0 links hosted by me will go away. The repo will be archived permanently releasing it to the public domain. If you are a game site owner, please DM me and I will put your site here for anyone that needs it. If you are someone who is seeking some good unblocked game sites, here are some sites run by good people, it is time that they are given some attention besides me.

I know this is sad news for many of you and I am sorry it has to be this way, but I have held my spot as the most used game site without a backend (like built in proxies) for long enough, and it will be cool to see new sites take my spot. Overall, this site has been seen on about 25 million devices and people have spent over 50 million hours on the site. This is truly mind blowing, to see something of mine in the making for the past 2 years explode like that is mental, but now I will step down and let others fill my place. As for me, I might stick around making more cool things for the web, or I will appear somewhere else with a new name, who is to say what will happen? If you have any questions, drop them in my DMs, if you have any comments put them in #general. This has been a wild ride and it has changed it for the better. Thanks for everything, and fly high.


“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” - John D. Rockefeller

If you would like to follow me with my upcoming projects, head over to my website at 3kh0.net