316 words
2 minutes
Starting a silly blog

After some time, I wanted to restart my blog. I have no idea what to write about, but I will figure it out.

It will be nice to voice my thoughts on something more formal and in a more structured way than just random Discord messages. I will try to keep this blog alive and post at least twice a month, maybe more if I feel like it.

Why a blog?#

I have always wanted a blog, but I never really had the time or energy to make one. I have tried a few times but always ended up abandoning it. Even when I created something that resembled a blog, it never fully finished to the point where I felt satisfied. This time, I will try to keep it alive. I have a few ideas for posts so that I will start with those.

Making a blog#

This blog is based on the template Fuwari by Saicaca.

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There are a few minor changes, like changing the font to Lexend (here is why it is better), making minor tweaks to the CSS, and a few other minor things.

How do I get notified of new posts?#

I have a few ways for you to get notified of new posts:

You can subscribe to the RSS feed at https://blog.3kh0.net/rss.xml/ If you need a good FOSS RSS reader, I recommend Miniflux or FreshRSS.

You can also follow me on Mastodon at @3kh0@defcon.social. I will post about my new posts and anything else I find interesting.

Make your own thing, don’t use a template!1!!1#

What is easier and accomplishes the same thing? Using a template or making my own thing?

I do not have the time or energy to build this site from scratch, and it is also my blog, so I get to decide :3

Anyway, that is all for this post. I have two other posts currently up while I work on the next ones, so check them out while you wait.